Feeling down is a common problem, but if this feeling continues for more than two weeks this could be depression. As well as feeling low, you may lose interest or pleasure in activities you used to enjoy.

Other signs and symptoms can include:

  • Sleep problems
  • Poor appetite or overeating
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Finding it hard to concentrate
  • Feeling bad about yourself
  • Tiredness
  • Moving or speaking slowly, or the opposite: feeling restless and fidgety

Bereavement is any kind of loss. Experiencing and coming to terms with loss is hard. We all have our own way of dealing with it. With bereavement comes many emotions, for example, anger, guilt, loneliness and numbness. These can be overwhelming. On top of this you may have other stresses in life. You may need some support and guidance to process these feelings and to stop neglecting other factors in your life.

We all experience stressful events in our lives. Adjustment Disorder is when one finds it difficult to cope with the stressful events or changes in their lives. Examples of stressful events can include divorce, bereavement, serious illness, financial difficulties or moving home. People with an adjustment disorder may become preoccupied and/or distressed with the stressful event, feel low or depressed, anxious and worried; and feel overwhelmed and unable to cope. They may also experience physical symptoms such as insomnia, headaches and abdominal or chest pain. Adjustment Disorder can also have an impact on your ability to carry out daily activities.


If you recognise any of the signs of the mental health difficulties on this page or on any of the problems listed on the “problems we can help with” pages, then we may be able to help.