The Talking Therapies service in Harrow are offering a helpful skills workhops.
If you would like to formulate goals and resolutions for 2022 in order to bring about lasting change.
If you would like to sign up for this free online workshop, you can:
- visit the Harrow service webpage and complete an online referral:
- call the service and speak to someone: 020 8515 5015
- email the service:

Please note the following eligibility criteria:
In order to be eligible for the Harrow service, you must be registered with a Harrow GP (regardless of whether you live in Harrow or not).
In order to find out if you are registered with a Harrow GP, please use this link and then enter your GP practice details. If you do not have a Harrow GP, please use the above link to find your local Talking Therapies service and get in touch with them for more information.
Our Talking Therapies Services are not able to provide immediate support in an emergency. If you require immediate help please contact your GP, or your local Accident & Emergency Department, or call the Urgent Advice Line on 0800 0234 650 open 24 hours. For more information about what to do if you need help urgently, visit our emergency page here.